UT3 Colors 2009-03-16 23:51:46 In utinput.ini, under [Engine.PlayerInput] Bindings=(Name="F11",Command="set postprocessvolume settings (bloom_scale=0.4, scene_desaturation=0.08, DOF_MaxNearBlurAmount=0.25, DOF_MaxFarBlurAmount=0.25) ") Bindings=(Name="F12",Command="set postprocessvolume settings (bloom_scale=0.75, scene_desaturation=0.3, DOF_MaxNearBlurAmount=0.40, DOF_MaxFarBlurAmount=0.4) ") Use F11 to get more color and less blur, and F12 to revert to defaults (aprox). --- There's another way: use a post-processing package that doesn't have desaturation, overdone hit-effects, gets rid of depth of field and keeps bloom . Then reduce brightness somewhat. In utengine.ini, under [Engine.GameEngine] you will find FX_HitEffects comment the line that has FX_HitEffects ;DefaultPostProcessName = FX_HitEffects.UTPostProcess and add this one: DefaultPostProcessName = EngineMaterials.DefaultUIPostProcess Now colors may be too strong in a just a few places, often they aren't because the art style and using lightmaps(?) make the game look great. See if you like it better.